Live-Stake HarvestingFebruary 22, 2020 This event has been postponed from the original 2/15 date due to high river conditions. 10 am - 2 pm Heritage Park (11405 E. Miami River Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45252) During this four hour event we will be harvesting live-stakes (willow cuttings). We are shooting to harvest 3,500 live-stakes. These live-stakes will be used during the Mill Creek and Little Miami River live-staking events. While harvesting live-stakes we will be selecting branches that are .5 and 1.5 inches in diameter. Branches will be cut in 2-3 foot sections using loppers or pruners. The Southwestern Ohio Water Company will be providing participants with a warm snack (hot chocolate and hot dogs) and a place to warm up. What you will need
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Please complete the HCSWCD waivers and bring it with you to the event. *All parts of the waiver must be complete. |
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm
2702 East Kemper Road Sharonville, OH 45241 Phone: (513) 946-8020 The Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the State of Ohio responsible for the conservation of natural resources within Hamilton County, Ohio. We have a special emphasis on soil and water with a focus on assisting landowners in planning and applying conservation practices on the land. HCSWCD is dedicated to the sustainable use of our natural resources and to encouraging positive behavioral changes that produce a higher quality of life for our citizens. The District assists all Hamilton County residents, schools and jurisdictions through our free services and dynamic partnerships that continually provide innovative solutions for the challenges of our region.
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