What are Live Stakes? |
Live stakes are cuttings taken from dormant, living, water-loving tree or shrub species. These cuttings are planted along eroding streambanks where they will grow into new trees, stabilizing the streambanks with their roots, reducing pollution and creating habitat.
How Does It Work? |
How Does It Benefit Streams? |
Saturday, March 2 10am-1pm Heritage Park 11045 E Miami River Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45252 *Rain date: Mar. 9 Event hosted by Hamilton County Conservation District
Sunday, March 3 10am-1pm Evendale Commons (south) 2998 Cunningham Dr. Evendale, OH 45241 *Rain Date: Mar. 10 Event hosted by Mill Creek Alliance
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm
2702 East Kemper Road Sharonville, OH 45241 Phone: (513) 946-8020 The Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the State of Ohio responsible for the conservation of natural resources within Hamilton County, Ohio. We have a special emphasis on soil and water with a focus on assisting landowners in planning and applying conservation practices on the land. HCSWCD is dedicated to the sustainable use of our natural resources and to encouraging positive behavioral changes that produce a higher quality of life for our citizens. The District assists all Hamilton County residents, schools and jurisdictions through our free services and dynamic partnerships that continually provide innovative solutions for the challenges of our region.
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