About the Hamilton County Conservation District
The Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the State of Ohio responsible for the conservation of natural resources within Hamilton County, Ohio. We have a special emphasis on soil and water with a focus on assisting landowners in planning and applying conservation practices on the land.
How We Are Governed
The District is governed by a volunteer board of five supervisors elected to three-year terms by the public. The supervisors are responsible for developing both the Annual Plan of Work and the Long-Range Plan. They also provide the general oversight of operations and budget. Funding comes from the Hamilton County Commissioners and is matched by the State through the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture - Division of Soil & Water Conservation. In addition, many of our education programs are funded through grants.
Monthly board meetings are held at the District office the second Tuesday of every month at 4:00 p.m. and are open to the public. For information on running for a supervisor position, contact the District Office at 772-7645.
Our Mission
We are a public organization committed to assisting the citizens of Hamilton County through education, technical assistance and leadership to be stewards of our soil and water resources.
Our Vision
To be a dynamic leader in soil and water conservation, working to achieve the sustainable use of our soil and water resources on a local and regional basis.
All District programs and services are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status or handicap.